Ithaca Pump Action Shotguns

Ithaca pump action shotguns are very similar in appearance to any other pump action shotgun, their model 37 is their most popular model. Below is a list of Ithaca’s most popular pump action shotguns , don’t worry if you can’t find your gun’s model, we still want to buy it. Our appraisers will figure out the model of your gun, and make sure that you get a fair price.
- Model 37 DS
- Model 37D
- Ultra Featherlight
- Turkeyslayer
- Deerslayer
- Model 87 Ultralite
- Model 37V
- Model 37 Americana
- Waterfowler
- Model 87 Field
- Monte Carlo Series
*Note: depending on your firearm’s model, accessories, condition, and current trends/sales; your firearm’s value may be different then our instant quote. We’ll help you identify your particular firearm’s value.